viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

                 Process of the twin towers.

08.00: Flight 11 American Airlines, a Boeing 767 with 92 people on board, takes off from Boston's Logan International Airport for Los Angeles.
08.14: The United Airlines Flight 175, a Boeing 767 with 65 people on board, takes off from Boston's Logan International Airport for Los Angeles.
08.19: The flight attendant Betty Ong from American Airlines Flight 11 communicates with the reservations office of the company to report that the plane seems to be being kidnapped.
08.21: Flight 77 American Airlines, a Boeing 757 with 64 people on board, takes off from Dulles International Airport in Washington DC to Los Angeles.
08.41: The United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, takes off from Newark International Airport to San Francisco.
0846: American Flight 11 is completely embedded in the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

09.02: United Flight 175 rammed the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The event is covered live on various television cameras focused on the Twin Towers because of the dense smoke rising from the North Tower.
09.07: the Chief of Staff of the White House warns President George W. Bush rammed the second tower and that America is under attack.
09.10: Richard Clarke, head of anti-terrorism office, organizing a video conference from the White House among the highest military leaders to organize a response.
09.21: closes all tunnels and bridges of the island of Manhattan.
09.31: President George W. Bush delivers a speech from the primary school which is informing that it is apparently a terrorist act.
09.34: aeronautical federation notifies NORAD that there is a suspected hijacking of American Flight 77.
09.37: American Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.
09.45: aeronautical federation by President orders all airborne aircraft to land immediately at the nearest airport.
09.48: Congress and the White House are evacuated if any terrorist attack.
09.59: South Tower collapses.
10.03: United Flight 93 falls in open field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Apparently, it would have been a struggle of the crew and passengers with the hijackers to take control of the device.
10.28: North Tower falls.
11.04: the United Nations building in New York is evacuated.
13.04: President Bush declares "Siege" worldwide and addresses the nation via the media from the airbase.
14.51: Navy missile-armed destroyers sent to New York.
17.25: Building 7 collapses 47 floors of the World Trade Center.
19.00: President Bush arrives at the White House.
20.30: President Bush speaks to the nation from the Oval Office at the White House.

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